New Park Childcare Hub Information
New Park Childcare Hub Information
New Park Primary School is now a Childcare Hub for key workers.
Please check the criteria carefully to ensure that you qualify as a key worker. If you have an adult at home even if you are a key worker your child must stay at home.
If you qualify for a place in a hub we are open on Monday 23 March from 9am to 4pm prompt.
If you are planning to bring your child/ren to us please understand and be prepared for the following:
- when you arrive at school for the first time you will be required to complete a registration form which includes contact details, emergency contacts, medical info, allergies, dietary info, SEND needs etc. If your child currently attends New Park or Roscoe you will still be required to complete a form. BE AWARE THIS COULD TAKE TIME ON MONDAY.
- your child needs to come in their own clothes with suitable coats to go outside.
- children are not permitted to bring any electronic equipment or mobile phones.
- children will have the opportunity to have breakfast on arrival at 9am if they wish.
- Provide your child with a packed lunch but on Monday 23rd March all children who attend will get a free hot meal.
- your child will be in a childcare environment, they will be playing games, doing craft activities, being outside etc. This is not an educational environment.
- your child needs to follow and respond to the Hub's behaviour guidance; as it would be in the school they are currently enrolled in. The setting has the right to refuse entry to any child who does not follow the expectations of the Hub.
- parents will be asked to wait in a designated collection area when dropping off and collecting from the Hub to ensure the health of the staff.
- any child who is unwell will be isolated and sent home as quickly as possible.
We will be receiving an update from the Local Authority on a daily basis in response to local and national guidance. This will be updated on this page.
Below are links to national guidance and advice:
Closure of educational setting guidance for parents
You can follow Liverpool's response to the Coronvirus on Twitter and Facebook
Liverpool City Council website updates
Support for families who are entitled to free school meals
If you feel unwell you are encouraged you use the following NHS website rather than ringing 111 straight away
Please be aware that we will not accept any unacceptable behaviour from any Parents or Carers. This is a national crisis and we have been requested to respond to this; remember we are all in this together!