Curriculum :At Roscoe Primary School
At Roscoe Primary School, we strive to provide a purposeful and empowering curriculum so that children are fully prepared for the next steps on their journey through school and the wider world.
At the heart of our curriculum are the fundamental skills of English and Mathematics, which underpin our ambitious, exciting and vibrant curriculum.
Our curriculum is centred around three main themes which drive and connect the learning for each term across the school. The fundamental aims of our curriculum drivers are to ensure that every child is given the opportunity to develop an understanding of themselves and their place in this world, to know that there are no boundaries to what they can achieve and aspire to become and that the sky is the limit for the possibilities that await them.
We have designed our curriculum to ensure there is a carefully planned programme of enrichment activities and experiences in all subject areas to excite, enthuse and to extend learning beyond the classroom. Each subject is introduced with a thought-provoking key question to spark conversation and to navigate the learning for that topic. Our curriculum is tailored to the needs of all of our children. We celebrate our locality and nurture children’s understanding of the communities of which they are part of. Significant people have been woven through each area of our curriculum. These include people of local, national and international significance. The study of significant individuals brings life to our learning, meaning children are more likely to recall key facts and events.
Our Curriculum Drivers
This is me
Everyone wants to
rule the world -
Above us only sky
Curriculum Subjects
Click the subject below you would like to learn more about.